Why would you give a turtle a triangle?
2002-06-01 / 7:59 p.m.

Wearing: Jean shorts and light blue halter top. And a light jacket because my house is cold with the air conditioner on and it is blowing right on me when I sit at the computer.

Yes! I finished the writing part of my Math storybook project. You see, what we had to do was create a children's story, either original or based on another book, that teaches kids how to do some Math thing that we learned this year. I decided to title mine If You Give a Turtle a Triangle. It is based on the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books. In it, I am teaching the Pythagorean Theorem. I chose that because it's the easiest thing we learned this year that I could remember and would be able to explain in words. It still sounds complicated for a little kid and if anyone read it they probably wouldn't be able to do the Pythagorean Theorem if they couldn't already do it, but that's ok, because Mrs. Kinzel does already know how to do it.

I think I'm going to do the pictures for it tomorrow since I really don't feel like doing them now even though I could start if I really wanted to. I don't know how good they are going to turn out because I'm mostly hand drawing them because I don't know where online I would be able to find a turtle in lots of different positions. One of the reasons I picked a turtle was because I knew I could draw one pretty well so it won't look too bad.

Today I went to Emily's tee-ball game for the second time. There was a hot guy there who is the older brother of one of the boys on her team, but he was like 21, so he was kind of old for me. I don't think he thought I was a Freshman though until Emily told one of the little boys on her team that I was in ninth grade for some reason. He was still nice though. And he was so cute with all the kids. My mom told me that last night they had his college graduation party (he went to St. Joe's for any of you who are interested) on the U.S.S New Jersey. I think that's so cool. I didn't even know that was possible! Teddy was playing a baseball game at the same time as Emily so I rotated between the two games. Teddy's team won so they're going to the playoffs. Emily tied hers again, like always. This was the first time I went to one of Teddy's game even though this is almost his last one. I wish I had gone to some more because it's a really good way to get a tan, even though I got sunburnt today because I didn't put enough suntan lotion on. Now I probably can't make it to many more because of all the end-of-the-year homework all my teachers are assigning.

I also went to the pool for the first time this year. The water was freezing so I only stayed in for a little while, like 15 minutes. And I also got bit by a fly or something on my face while I was in there and that got me out pretty quick. It really hurt, but there aren't any marks now, which I'm glad about.

Ok, I'm gonna go now and watch the rest of Harry Potter that I started last night. We got the DVD. I already did all of the extra stuff on the second cd. There's so much cool stuff. If you enjoyed the movie I definitely advise you to buy the DVD.

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is most important that you do it.-Mohandas Gandhi


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