you make me feel so brand new
2003-03-06 / 4:29 p.m.

Because I am a lazy person who doesn't feel like writing a real entry once again, and because I also don't feel like doing my lab report, but shhh about that, I am filling out another survey.

When you put your name on some paper at school, how do you usually put your name down?: I write my first, name, Lindsay, and then my last name. I do it on like every paper I get, just because it's such a habit.

Do you believe in the saying, "You learn something new every day,"? Yeah, because I pretty much do learn something new everyday. Even if it's something as seemingly insignificant as realizing the E.L. Fudges are called that because their initials spell elf, and elves are the mascots of the cookies.

Who was the last person you were in a car with? My mom and Melissa when we were going to school.

Have you ever looked up into the sky to see if there really was a Big Dipper? Yeah. It really is there, you know.

What was the last movie you saw in the theater, and the last movie you rented? The last movie I saw in theaters was "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" and I don't remember the last movie I rented, cuz I haven't rented movies in a while.

Do you look at the keyboard when you type? Not usually.

What time do you eat lunch at school? 4th period, which at my school is around 10:30 to 11:15. But it doesn't feel that early when I'm actually there.

Who are your five really really good friends? Melissa, Karen, Lisa C., Julie and Armance.

What sports do you enjoy doing? I don't enjoy any sports.

Can you make macaroni and cheese? Yeah, any dummy can read a package.

Name five things that will be different this upcoming school year. Well, it's still the middle of this year, but I guess I can make predictions for next year? The only thing I can really think of is that I will be in Wind Ensemble instead of Symphonic Band and for the first time in a few years I won't be in the same band as Melissa ::tear::

Name five things that will stay the same this upcoming school year. Argh, these questions involve too much thinking! I will still have this diary, Melissa will still be my best friend, I will still play the flute, I will still hate school and I will still take a lunch.

If you were to win $50,000 would you rather buy a car or give $25,000 to charity and spend the rest on college funds? Well, if I got that much money, I'd make sure that my car did not cost $50,000, cuz that's just stupid and wasteful. So then I might donate some money to charity, and some to my college funds and then spend some on clothes. :)

What's your favorite color of the rainbow? Yellow.

Do you think guys or girls are the better drivers? Girls, they are usually better at handling their emotions reasonably.

What are some of the best skits on SNL? Unfortunately, I don't watch this show, so I can't say I have any favorite skits.

What are some of the coolest movies ever made? Josie and the Pussycats, Now and Then, Billy Elliot and almost any and all Disney movies.

What are some cool 90's tv shows? Hm, almost anything that was on Nickelodeon at that time. And that's about all I watched.

Would you live on fast food, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, every day for a month to win $2,500? Yeah, and I'd probably enjoy it too.

Do you have more boys or more girls on your buddy list? Girls.

Have you had additions, new things, anything of that type done to your house? No, but I really want another bedroom added on, so I can have my own. But since I'm leaving in about 3 years for college anyway, I doubt it will happen.

How many bathrooms exist in your house? Deux.

What's the best part about the winter season? Christmas!!!

Name one thing you really look forward to happening in the year 2003. Going to France in April!

What's the closest BIG city near your house? Philadelphia, I live literally right across the river.

What subjects in school do you actually like learning about? History, English and French.

Do you eat cafeteria food? I eat imported cafeteria food, which means it came from somewhere else, but the school caf serves it. Those things include Domino's pizza and these really really really good panzarottis. Oh yes, I do eat school fries.

What's the nearest education area around you? Hm, my high school, middle school and an elementary school are all about equally close, I think.

If you like muffins, what kind do you like eating? Chocolate chip.

What's your middle name and why is it your middle name? Marie. It's my late grandmother's middle name also.

Do you know someone who uses their middle name for what they liked to be called? I think one of Melissa's cousins does that.

When you go to the movies, where do you usually sit, and what do you usually eat/drink? I like to sit in the middle of the theater in the middle of the row. I usually get Buncha Crunch and a drink, and sometimes popcorn if I'm really hungry and have enough money. What's up with movie theater prices these days?

What's the biggest room area at your school? Probably the East gym. I think it's bigger than the DiBart Gym.

Who buys the groceries at your house and where do they shop? My mom. She goes to Genuardi's, Super G, BJ's and occassionally to Shoprite.

Name a radio station that you listen to and a DJ from that station. 104.5, but I don't know any of the djs. I don't listen to the radio that much.

Do you think that TRL has gotten too old? Yeah, it's just not the same without Carson. Of course, when a Hanson video is on it again, I'll start watching it everyday just to see the video.

How many schools have you been in? What were their names? 4, St. Andrew's Pre-school, Richard Stockton Elementary School, Henry C. Beck Middle School and CHHS East.

Do you know anyone who you think will be a famous person someday? I think Melissa will be a famous author someday, and Julie will be famous too.

What's the nearest college around you? Hm, I don't really know. There are a bunch of schools in the Philly area and Rutgers and Rowan are kinda close also.

Has any famous person come from the town you live in? Not my town, but a lot are from Philly.

Are you friends with any cheerleaders? Sorta, Julia and Sami sit at my lunch table. And that's aaaall they talk about ever. And it gets really boring and annoying. I mean, I don't sit there and talk about band all period, so why do they feel the need to constantly talk about cheerleading???

Do you even think cheerleading is a sport? After listening to them everyday, I guess I'll have to say yes. It's definitley not something I could ever do.

What color nailpolish are you wearing on your nails and toenails? None on my toes. But on 3 fingers of my left hand I have the remnants of this dark red that I put on when Armance was here.

When you first sign onto AOL does someone automatically im you? If Melissa is on, she will.

Where is your computer located in your house? In the dining room/office.

What stores do you enjoy buying clothes at? Old Navy, Gap, Target, Delias, and probably a few more.

Do you really think a pickle is a member of the cucumber family? Well, since a pickle used to be a cucumber, I'd say yes. That's like me getting married, and then asking if I am still a member of my original family.

Have you ever gotten so corny that you cried over a guy? Well, I don't really have any guy problems since I've never had a boyfriend, so I don't think so.

How many microwaves do you have in your house? One. Why would you need more?

Do any of your friends have cool, expensive cars? None of my friends or their families do, but a lot of people in my town do.

On an average day do you think more people take a piss or crack some part of their body? Uhhh, that's a weird questions, but from experience, I'd say crack. I crack multiple parts of my body at once that surpass the amount of times I pee right there.

Name one word you use over and over when you have a conversation. Like. It's the Jersey girl curse.

What do you think is safer, eating out-of-date shellfish or driving in a really bad thunderstorm? Uhhh, pass?

Do you already have a major lined up for your future? Yes, elementary education and possibly music.

What's more piggish, Howard Stern or guys scratching their balls? Both?

What are you wearing at the moment? New black sweat pants, new cutesy socks :) a creme-colored long-sleeved Gap shirt and a little jacket thing cuz my house is really cold.

What do you think is healthier, drinking a glass of orange juice every morning or drinking six glasses of water a day? I don't really know. I'm not a know-about-healthy-things kind of person.

Have you ever been to some sports event at a big arena? Yeah, I went to a Flyer's game at the First Union Center, many Phillies game at the Vet (soon to be no more ::tear::) and an Eagles game at the Vet once also.

Name something that you own a lot of. Clothes, books, cds, etc.

When you're bored and you take the time out to watch tv what do you watch? Nickelodeon.

When was the last time you've been in another state? Just Tuesday, I was at my aunt's house in PA.

Has anyone ever called you a bitch up close to your face and really meant it? No, and I don't think anyone ever would have the reason to.

If you like to wear makeup, what's some of your favorite kinds of makeup to wear? I have this Gap lip color that I really like. And another one that I think is Bonne Bell. I don't really wear makeup, so I don't really have that much.

Have you ever dissected anything? What and why did you do it? Yes, a frog and a freakin' fetal pig!!! In Bio, to "learn."

Do you have the Spanish channel on your tv? Yes, but I don't know Spanish, so I don't watch it.

What was the last cd you bought? I don't think I've bought a cd for a while, but I think the last cd I received as a gift was the Les Miz Original Broadway Cast Recording.

Do you know anyone who put their last name in their email/sn? Yes, Emmanuel, Melanie and Miguel.

BET, VH1, MTV, MTV2, or the BOX...which one is better? It's a tie between VH1 and MTV. But Nickelodeon knocks the socks off of all 5!

Name something your parents watch that annoys you. My dad watches golf ::gag::

What's more annoying, mosquito bites or bitchy annoying girls? They're both about equal in my book.

What shows do you think are real drama shows? I don't really enjoy the shows that are true to life. I enjoy shows like Friends and American Idol and Everybody Loves Raymond, etc. All the extremely exaggerated lives show.

If you could travel back in time, what time period would you like to be in? Wow, there are so many eras that I think are really cool because I'm a historical fiction book freak. Probably a time period where an American war took place.

What's one thing you usally always wear in the summer? Shorts, a tank top, and a bathing suit a lot also.

Have you had your last year of trick or treat yet? Yes, in 7th grade.

Did the Anthrax scare frighten you? Not really. It didn't hit close to home for me, so I wasn't too scared of it.

Do you know your parents birthdays? Yes, of course. My mom's is September 3rd, 1957 and my dad's is July 31st, 1957.

Do you think TVLand should be allowed on tv with all those old shows? Yeah, I love some of those shows!

Don't you wish every cell phone came with caller id so when you don't want to talk to a certain someone and they call you don't have to pick up the phone? Well, I don't have a cell phone, but I guess if I did I'd want caller id.

Are you into oldies music? Yes!

You probably like music right? What kind of CD's do you own? Well, I went through a boy band phase, so I have NSync, BSB, 98 Degrees etc. I also have like, 8 Hanson cds, and a bunch of Disney soundtracks and some various other cds thrown in there to even it out.

If you had to pick would you want to work at a fast food restaraunt for two years without quitting or getting fired or become an adult film star for a year? Definitely working at the fast food restaurant.

Would you rather have an accent like Downtown Julie Brown or the Crocodile hunter? Who is Downtown Julie Brown? Am I missing something? The Crocodile Hunter has a cool Austrailian accent though, so I guess his cuz I don't know who the other person is.

Of people on your buddy list, who has their away message on and if you can find it what does it say? There are 10 people on, and only 4 have their away messages up. Wow, that must be a record, usually almost everyone has theirs up. They say: "'slow down everyone, youre movin too fast...'

SAVE ME FROM MY BIO LAB, please", the ever creative: "I am away from my computer right now.", "chem lab and other fun stuff" and 'I am not here right now please leave a message after the beep or you could call me on my cell! BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP"

When your mom was young, who was her teenage obsession? She used to be in love with Greg Brady. I don't really know who else she was obsessed with. I should ask her someday.

How tall are you? What shoe size are you? What's your weight?: I think I'm about 5'4" or 5'5". I'm usually between a 6-7 shoe size. And I weigh somewhere between 110-120, I think.

Is there any special jewelry you like to wear? What is it? There's a lot. I wear a cross necklace, charm bracelet, another bracelet with a heart on it, my watch, a flute ring, a ring with my name on it and my class ring.

I'm sorry, are you tired of answering questions? Yeah, definitely! This took forever!


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